where is the best place to eat in brisbane?
Tom S
2007-01-25 01:36:46 UTC
where is the best place to eat in brisbane?
Eleven answers:
2007-01-28 05:08:31 UTC
Brett's wharf, on the river at hamiton. They just did a new menu and nothing beats watching the pelicans being fed at lunch. A bit pricey, but well worth it.
2007-01-27 03:56:46 UTC
Not knowing your preference:

Best choices are: The Lab located in the hotel part of Treasury or Restaurant 2.

For Japanese head down Elizabeth Street Mall, best one there has 8 ball seats

For pizza takeaway: Miltonio - Baroona Road Milton

Steak: The Caxton rump special at lunch is better than the rest.
2007-01-27 03:49:08 UTC
the factory inn is a very nice place, if you asked a location in brisbane would of been easier to help ya, good luck
2007-01-27 13:49:26 UTC
Char Char Chars at Eagle St Pier
2007-01-29 00:08:09 UTC
Treasury Casino
2007-01-28 16:30:07 UTC
Marco Polo at the Conrad Hilton Hotel ... amazing food and great service.
2007-01-26 22:43:17 UTC
Panevino - corner of Albert and Charlotte Sts - fantastic Italian!
2007-01-26 05:00:27 UTC
you need to be more specific - there are many good places to eat in brisbane - do you want according to cuisine, price, location etc..
2007-01-25 11:43:14 UTC
the factory inn and tavern
2007-01-28 20:14:40 UTC
any place its all good
2007-01-25 12:08:12 UTC
at ya mum's house

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